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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

American Workforce Calls for Bilingual Training

At most places where Spanish is part of the shop buzz, the drive to acclimate foreign-born individuals to American communications challenges began long ago.

In some major cities throughout the country, the bilingual workplace has made itself felt in vending for many decades. To whatever extend Antares vending operators need to translate training materials into Spanish or any other language, such services are available. Many vending operators insist that teaching in the unskilled sector, consists of person to person instruction. The unskilled sector can include route drivers, warehouse workers etc.

An informal survey of Antares vending operators as well as other operators revealed that many realize that they need to find ways to train foreign language workers. The most common foreign language being addressed is Spanish.

Usually most of these workers can speak English as a second language. If you hire an employee for your Antares vending business who doesn’t speak English, then the best thing you can do is to team him up with a wily veteran who is fluent in both languages.

Immigrants bring a strong work ethic

Immigrants have been credited by hirers as having more stringent work ethic perhaps more than their American-born counterpart. You would want a hard working individual for your vending business, so that might just mean hiring a person who does not understand English.

How much English do they need?

It is important for them to understand English since they are in the United States. Without English, they will be very limited in what they can do for your Antares vending business by Natural Choice USA.

To hire a route driver they need to speak sufficient English to be able to speak to those who speak only English.

Inside the warehouse, the individual can get speak Spanish to his linguistic brethren. There will be situations when the employee would be required to communicate in English, so some basic knowledge would be necessary.

If you hire foreign born individuals for your business, then your employee manuals and policies should be provide in two languages, so that the employees have no trouble understanding them.


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