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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Offering Healthy Vending Programs

The way Americans are eating today is changing because people are more health conscious than ever before. Healthy eating habits have shoved traditional snack foods and drinks from vending machines. This is mostly common in schools and employee dining operations where soft drinks, candy and fried snacks are giving way to bottled water, juices and low fat snacks.
If you the owner of a Planet Antares vending business you can offer customers in a location a healthy vending program, along with your regular menu. This will give them the chance to make a choice. The demand for healthy snacks is growing at a fast rate. These days almost everyone wants to eat healthy. Obesity has always been a big issue and it doesn’t look like a problem that will go away anytime soon.

Snack and beverage manufacturers are also offering more healthy versions of traditional snacks, such as crème filled sandwich cookies and fried cheese flavored snacks. Manufacturers are changing with the times. They are manufacturing healthier foods, so as to cater to its growing demand. There are certain locations that will only demand healthy foods in their vending machines. These locations usually specifically make a request for healthy foods in their vending machines. Planet Antares healthy vending program can work well in locations such as schools and hospitals.

Cost considerations
Availability and cost of healthy food items can be quite difficult. This happens despite the growing interest in healthy vending options. Organic and lower fat choices usually cost twice as much as regular food items. This is the reason why the majority of vending operators don’t offer these kinds of products. They feel that they will lose base business if they offer these products. The cost of the products should not deter you from selling these items in your Planet Antares vending machines, because one thing that will remain a fact is that, there is a growing demand for these products. By providing these products, you will be following the trend.

A healthy program can succeed in your Planet Antares vending program, if for a start vending operators and packaged goods companies can work together more closely. You can start off by placing a few of the products in your vending machines, just to see how they will sell. Remember that the location of the vending machines also plays a role. There has to be a demand for these health products from the location. With the right location, selling of the products will not be difficult. Don’t hesitate to place health products in your vending machines, because by doing so you will be recognizing the change in people’s eating habits.


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